High-back booster seats are designed for children who have outgrown their forward-facing car seat yet are not tall enough to safely travel in standard vehicle seats.
*It is important to note that each new stage of the car seat provides slightly less protection than the seat before it, so ensure your little one has fully outgrown their current car seat before transitioning up.
When to Switch to a High Back Booster
Depending on the type of seat, your child is ready to move up when they have reached either the height or weight limitations of their current seat, which will vary between models. For reference, your child's headrest should sit just above their shoulders in order to provide proper protection for their head and neck. If the headrest is at full height and cannot be adjusted further, it may be time to look into graduating to the next stage.
To help your child with the transition from a 5-point harness to the 3-point seat belt, it's important to prepare them for the responsibility of limiting their movements and remaining in the confines of their seat, as vehicle seat belts provide a greater range of movement that younger children typically aren't used to.
What you Need to Know about High-Back Booster Car Seats
- Children under 4 should not use high-back booster seats
- Children under 8 should use boosters that feature a 5-point harness
- High-back boosters must be fitted with a 3-point seat belt, never the lap belt
- Many high-back boosters come with side-impact protection but not all do, so make sure you check before you buy

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