Take a look through our range of UPPAbaby Vista and Cruz package deals including UPPAbaby pram bundles and UPPAbaby Vista Travel System packages.
We have created a range of UPPAbaby bundles for each of the UPPAbaby pushchairs in their range.
Choose from the following models;
UPPAbaby Cruz Bundles
Manoeuvre through crowded malls, over cobblestone streets and down narrow country lanes with ease and speed. Featuring a reversible toddler seat, every stroll can be a new adventure for your little one - and if adventuring gets too much for them, then the multi-position recline options are perfect for on-the-go naps. The recline is also achievable with just one hand!
UPPAbaby Vista Bundles
Allowing for multiple configurations using additional accessories that can support up to 3 children at a time while strolling like a single, the Vista V2 is the perfect pushchair for growing families. Designed with longevity and fluidity in mind, the Vista V2 includes a multitude of innovative features that will take your child from birth all the way up to 22kg.
UPPAbaby also has three i-Size Car Seats to choose from;
- UPPAbaby Cloud Z
- UPPAbaby Mesa
- UPPAbaby Pebble Pro
The Cloud Z i-Size features 360 degree rotation, near-flat lying position, automatic adjustable headrest and Linear Side-Impact Protection, making it one of the safest car seats on the market.
The Mesa i-Size is designed to be used rear-facing for its entire life, up until your little one reaches 13 kg, and features energy-absorbing memory and EPP (Expanding Polypropylene) foam to deliver superior side-impact protection.
The Pebble Pro i-Size is the seat that couldn't be easier to use. It is the first step in your newborn's safety. Suitable from birth up to 12 months (76 cm), the Pebble Pro i-Size can be installed using either the Familyfix3 base (sold separately) for a super safe, super convenient Click-and-Go installation, or simply using your vehicle's 3-point seat belt, so it's suitable for all cars.
Shop the UPPAbaby Brand here.

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